Our Lady

Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia

Mary, the Rosa Mystica

Mary, Mother of Mystics

Rosa Mystica (or Mystical Rose) is a poetic title of Mary. One form of Marian devotion is invoking the Virgin Mary's prayers by calling upon her using a litany of diverse titles, and the title 'Mystical Rose' is found in the Litany of Loreto. It is also a Catholic title of Our Lady based on the Marian apparitions reported between 1947 and 1966 by Pierina Gilli at Montichiari and Fontanelle in Italy. 

Following the Christianization of the Roman Empire, the rose became identified with the Virgin Mary. The rose symbol eventually led to the creation of the rosary and other devotional prayers in Christianity. Ever since the 1400s, the Franciscans have had a Crown Rosary of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the 1400s and 1500s, the Carthusians promoted the idea of sacred mysteries associated with the rose symbol and rose gardens. Albrecht Dürer's painting The Feast of the Rosary (1506) depicts the Virgin Mary distributing garlands of roses to her worshippers.

Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces

Mary, Beloved Daughter 

of God the Father

Mary, Admirable Mother of God the Son

Mary, Faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Ave Marie Stella or Hail, Thou Star of Ocean

Hail thou star of the ocean, portal of the sky,
ever-virgin Mother of the Lord Most High.

O! by Gabriel’s Ave, uttered long ago,
Evas’ name reversing, establishing peace below.

Break the captives’ fetters, light on blindness pour,
all our ills expelling, every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother, offer Him our sighs,
which for us incarnate did not thee despise.

Virgin of all virgins, to thy shelter, take us,
gentlest of the gentle, chaste and gentle make us.

Still, as we journey, Help our weak endeavour,
till with thee and Jesus, we rejoice forever.

Through the highest heaven, to the almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit, One same glory be. Amen.

The Latin version of this prayer, Ave, Maris Stella, can be traced to the late eighth/early ninth century. The title, Star of the Sea (or Ocean), is one of the oldest and most widely spread titles for Mary. The prayer is often used to pray for travellers. Mary herself is a sign of hope for a safe arrival to one’s destination.

Marian Prayers 

We turn to you for protection,

Holy Mother of God.

Listen to our prayers

and help us in our needs.

Save us from every danger,

glorious and blessed Virgin

The Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, prayer for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

O God, Father of mercies, who placed your people under the singular protection of your Son’s most holy Mother, grant that all who invoke the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe may seek with ever more lively faith the progress of peoples in the ways of justice and peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 

We dedicated ourselves to God through Mary and God's service via our Chaplaincy.

Pray with YouTube the Benedictin Rosary to Our Lady of High Grace

Photos of Roman Catholic Church to Our Lady, Quebec.


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St. Michael Sword 

Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines  in Quebec & Ontario

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The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion

Les Sanctuaires du Fleuve

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mandatory Times are required to devote to God in Church

How many hours do we have in one year?  8,766 hours

How many hours does the Catholic Church require from us?  57 hours

The Rosary Page

Mass Times (Bilingual French English)