
Padre Eric

Most Reverend Eric Michel

Metropolitan Archbishop

Knight of the Immaculate

Specialist in Angelology and Demonology

I work for free, with no stipend, also my vow poverty, no money 

Je travaille gratuitement, sans salaire, sans compter mon vœu de pauvreté, sans argent.

Facebook Intro

Aumôniers aux premiers intervenants soutien d'urgence

First Responder Chaplain Emergency Support

Aux services a la communauté Canadienne depuis plus de 45 ans,

Fondateur de l'Aumônerie Internationale des Ministères Eric Michel,

Possède une charte de l'Order of Franciscains of the Eucharist,

Membre du National Association of Catholic Chaplain

Membre du Tier-Ordre Franciscan

Chevalier de l'Immaculé Militia Immaculata, M.I. Canada,

Consecration to Our Lady by The Heralds of the Gospel,

Membre de la Confrérie du Très Saint Rosaire au Cap-de-la-Madelaine,

Member of The World Apostolate of Fatima USA, Our Lady Blue Army,

Member of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion,

Member of Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experiences,

Membre de la Légion Royale Canadienne.


Association québécoise de prévention du suicide (AQPS)

Santé mentale Québec BSL

Table des regroupements provinciaux d'organismes communautaires & bénévoles 


First, understand that I AM NOT a Catholic priest; I was ordained in a non-Catholic church on December 8, 1988.

As a Christian Minister, I have the privilege of serving as a volunteer chaplain for the Roman Catholic Church. It's important to note that I operate as a Catholic Minister of Anglican rite, and all my actions are guided by the Book of Common Prayer.

I do not celebrate; I attend Sunday mass in different Romain Catholic churches.

Also, occasionally, I show up in a Baptist church, a United Church, a Pentecostal church, or even an Anglican church, depending on how my chaplain duty will lead me. The most important quote is "Billy Graham: go to church, any church, but go to church."

Avis important concernant mon rôle de pasteur. J'ai toujours gardé ma foi catholique chrétienne.

Tout d’abord, comprenez que JE NE SUIS PAS un prêtre catholique ; J'ai été ordonné dans une église non catholique le 8 décembre 1988.

En tant que ministre chrétien, j'ai le privilège de servir comme aumônier bénévole pour l'Église catholique romaine. Il est important de noter que j'opère en tant que ministre catholique de rite anglican et que toutes mes actions sont guidées par le Livre de prière commune.

Je ne célèbre pas la messe ; J'assiste à la messe le dimanche dans différentes églises Catholique Romaine.

Aussi, de temps en temps, je me présente dans une église baptiste, une église Unie, une église Pentecôtiste ou même une église Anglicane, selon la façon dont mon devoir d'aumônier me mènera. La citation la plus importante est de « Billy Graham : va à l’église, n’importe quelle église, mais va à l’église ».

I do not speak Spanish, but I speak French and English well. If you base your intuition on the word padre, note this: The word padre, coming from Spanish and Italian, is also used to designate a Chaplain. Padre comes from the word Pater, father, meaning the one who cares for others.  I'm a Community Chaplain ex-military (veterans).

No hablo español, pero hablo bien francés e inglés. Si basa su intuición en la palabra padre, tenga en cuenta esto: La palabra padre, procedente del español y del italiano, también se utiliza para designar a un capellán. Padre proviene de la palabra Pater, padre, que significa el que cuida de los demás. Soy Capellán Comunitario exmilitar (veteranos).

The Seven Sacraments that I received:

Les Sept Sacrements que j'ai reçus :

1 The Sacrament of Baptism / Baptisé: Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Grâce November 11, 1951

2 The Sacrament of Confirmation / Confirmation Chapelle Ecole Normale Saint Joseph de la Paroisse Notre-Dame-de-Grâce 1958

3 The Sacrament of the Eucharist / Première communion Chapelle Ecole Normale Saint Joseph de la Paroisse Notre-Dame-de-Grâce 1958

4  The Sacrament of Penance / Confession: Chapelle Ecole Normale Saint Joseph de la Paroisse Notre-Dame-de-Grâce 1958

5 The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick /  Extreme Unction: Not yet thank God!

6 Matrimony / Marriage: United Church of Canada September 1997 (separated 2006)

7 Order / Ordre: Seminarist and Deacon 1985-1987 at The UCGC of Johannite Tradition by Bishop Theodore T. Williamson (Wally) of Albany, New York.

Ordained Minister on December 7, 1988, as a bi-vocational pastor, I started exercising my ministry in the Outaouais, then in Trois-Rivières, where he met the Baptist Minister, the Reverend Marie Arnold, in 2012.

I was ordained bishop on November 30, 2010. In January 2011, I became archbishop by-election of the General Assembly and was installed on May 6, 2011.

In July 2011, he became a chaplain. Founder of the Eric Michel Ministry and Chaplaincy that became the Eric Michel Ministries International, a non-profit religious corporation, to Corporation Canada on July 14, 2014. Les Ministères Eric Michel International and Eric Michel Ministries International is legally constituted as a Not-for-Profit Religious Corporation at Industry Canada under the number # 895170-5 and at Canada Revenue Agency under the number# 80323 9177 RC001

Eric Michel Ministries International

an Independent Third Order of Saint Francis Ministries

We are Roman Catholic in matters of Faith and Morals with the Church established by Jesus Christ.

Mandatory Times are required to devote to God in Church

How many hours do we have in one year? 8,766 hours

How many hours does the Catholic Church require from us? 57 hours

Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Growth: How to Become an EMMI Third-Order Member of Saint Francis

To become a Third Order member, one must:

1-Be a baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholic of at least age fifteen;

2-Practice True Devotion to Mary in the spirit of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort; be consecrated;

3-Faithfully observe the three devotional practices of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

A. Wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel, a symbol of our devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, and a sign of our commitment to live a life of faith and prayer.

B. Wearing the Miraculous Medal

C. Reciting the Rosary daily;

4-Make a simple promise of obedience to the Superior of the ministry in all matters;

5-Be loyal to the person of the currently reigning Archbishop;

6-Acknowledge the right of the Superior of the Order to terminate memberships whenever, in his opinion, sound and grave reasons exist.

7 Paid due fees (21$ CAD)

Our Traditional Vows: A Testament of Dedication and Faith

A-Prayers (be a member of the Facebook group Chaplain Prayer



9- Be Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by consecration of Louis Marie de Montfort

Eric Michel Ministries International Catholic Chaplaincy is a Christian corporation headquartered in Ontario, Canada. The Church traces its founding to Jesus and the Twelve Apostles and regards the bishops as the literal successors of the Apostles, holding their keys of authority. Eric Michel Ministries International Catholic Chaplaincy is part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. While it derives its Apostolic Succession from the Apostles' teaching, we are in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church because we are Catholic of the Anglican Rite.

Les Ministères Eric Michel International

Les Ministères du Tiers Ordre Indépendant de Saint François

Nous sommes catholiques romains en matière de foi et de morale avec l'Église établie par Jésus-Christ.

Des temps obligatoires sont nécessaires pour se consacrer à Dieu dans l'Église

De combien d'heures disposons-nous par an ? 8 766 heures

Combien d’heures l’Église catholique nous demande-t-elle ? 57 heures

Embarquez pour un voyage de croissance spirituelle : comment devenir membre EMMI du troisième ordre de Saint François

Pour devenir membre du Tiers Ordre, il faut :

1-Être un catholique baptisé, confirmé, pratiquant, âgé d'au moins quinze ans ;

2-Pratiquer la Vraie Dévotion à Marie dans l'esprit de Saint Louis Marie de Montfort ; être consacré;

3-Observez fidèlement les trois pratiques de dévotion des Esclaves du Cœur Immaculé de Marie :

A. Porter le Scapulaire brun du Mont Carmel, symbole de notre dévotion à Marie, la Mère de Dieu, et signe de notre engagement à vivre une vie de foi et de prière.

B. Porter la Médaille Miraculeuse

C. Réciter le Rosaire quotidiennement ;

4-Faire une simple promesse d'obéissance au Supérieur du ministère en toutes matières ;

5-Soyez fidèle à la personne de l'archevêque actuellement régnant ;

6-Reconnaître le droit du Supérieur de l'Ordre de mettre fin aux adhésions chaque fois qu'il estime qu'il existe des raisons valables et graves.

7 Frais payés (21$ CAD)

Nos vœux traditionnels : un témoignage de dévouement et de foi

A-Prayers (être membre du groupe Facebook Chaplain Prayer



9- Soyez les esclaves du Cœur Immaculé de Marie par consécration de Louis Marie de Montfort

Les Ministères Eric Michel International, Aumônerie Catholique, est une société chrétienne dont le siège est en Ontario, au Canada. L'Église fait remonter sa fondation à Jésus et aux douze apôtres et considère les évêques comme les successeurs littéraux des apôtres, détenant les clés de leur autorité. L'aumônerie catholique des Ministères Eric Michel Internationale fait partie de l'Église Une, Sainte, Catholique et Apostolique. Bien qu'elle tire sa Succession Apostolique de l'enseignement des Apôtres, nous sommes en pleine communion avec l'Église catholique romaine parce que nous sommes catholiques de rite anglicane.  

Eric Michel Ministries International

An Independent Third Order of Saint Francis Ministries

We are Roman Catholic in matters of Faith and Morals with the Church established by Jesus Christ.

Mandatory Times are required to devote to God in Church

How many hours do we have in one year? 8,766 hours

How many hours does the Catholic Church require from us? 57 hours

Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Growth: How to Become an EMMI Third-Order Member of Saint Francis

To become a Third Order member, one must:

1-Be a baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholic of at least age fifteen;

2-Practice True Devotion to Mary in the spirit of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort; be consecrated;

3-Faithfully observe the three devotional practices of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

A. Wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel, a symbol of our devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, and a sign of our commitment to live a life of faith and prayer.

B. Wearing the Miraculous Medal

C. Reciting the Rosary daily;

4-Make a simple promise of obedience to the Superior of the ministry in all matters;

5-Be loyal to the person of the currently reigning Archbishop;

6-Acknowledge the right of the Superior of the Order to terminate memberships whenever, in his opinion, sound and grave reasons exist.

7 Paid due fees (21$ CAD)

Our Traditional Vows: A Testament of Dedication and Faith

A-Prayers (be a member of the Facebook group Chaplain Prayer



9- Be Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by consecration of Louis Marie de Montfort

Eric Michel Ministries International Catholic Chaplaincy is a Christian corporation headquartered in Ontario, Canada. The Church traces its founding to Jesus and the Twelve Apostles and regards the bishops as the literal successors of the Apostles, holding their keys of authority. Eric Michel Ministries International Catholic Chaplaincy is part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. While it derives its Apostolic Succession from the Apostles' teaching, we are in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church because we are Catholic of the Anglican Rite.

Les Ministères Eric Michel International

Les Ministères du Tiers Ordre Indépendant de Saint François

Nous sommes catholiques romains en matière de foi et de morale avec l'Église établie par Jésus-Christ.

Des temps obligatoires sont nécessaires pour se consacrer à Dieu dans l'Église

De combien d'heures disposons-nous par an ? 8 766 heures

Combien d’heures l’Église catholique nous demande-t-elle ? 57 heures

Embarquez pour un voyage de croissance spirituelle : comment devenir membre EMMI du troisième ordre de Saint François

Pour devenir membre du Tiers Ordre, il faut :

1-Être un catholique baptisé, confirmé, pratiquant, âgé d'au moins quinze ans ;

2-Pratiquer la Vraie Dévotion à Marie dans l'esprit de Saint Louis Marie de Montfort ; être consacré;

3-Observez fidèlement les trois pratiques de dévotion des Esclaves du Cœur Immaculé de Marie :

A. Porter le Scapulaire brun du Mont Carmel, symbole de notre dévotion à Marie, la Mère de Dieu, et signe de notre engagement à vivre une vie de foi et de prière.

B. Porter la Médaille Miraculeuse

C. Réciter le Rosaire quotidiennement ;

4-Faire une simple promesse d'obéissance au Supérieur du ministère en toutes matières ;

5-Soyez fidèle à la personne de l'archevêque actuellement régnant ;

6-Reconnaître le droit du Supérieur de l'Ordre de mettre fin aux adhésions chaque fois qu'il estime qu'il existe des raisons valables et graves.

7 Frais payés (21$ CAD)

Nos vœux traditionnels : un témoignage de dévouement et de foi

A-Prayers (être membre du groupe Facebook Chaplain Prayer



9- Soyez les esclaves du Cœur Immaculé de Marie par consécration de Louis Marie de Montfort

Les Ministères Eric Michel International, Aumônerie Catholique, est une société chrétienne dont le siège est en Ontario, au Canada. L'Église fait remonter sa fondation à Jésus et aux douze apôtres et considère les évêques comme les successeurs littéraux des apôtres, détenant les clés de leur autorité. L'aumônerie catholique des Ministères Eric Michel Internationale fait partie de l'Église Une, Sainte, Catholique et Apostolique. Bien qu'elle tire sa Succession Apostolique de l'enseignement des Apôtres, nous sommes en pleine communion avec l'Église catholique romaine parce que nous sommes catholiques de rite anglicane 

This resume came from our website, Tribute to Eric Michel.


Archbishop Eric M. Gagnon's illustrious career in religious leadership unfolds like a tapestry of spiritual dedication and transformative service that spans over four decades.

His journey commenced in 1977 with the Gnostic Johannite Tradition Church, where he ventured into the realms of mysticism teachings. With a profound sense of reverence and commitment, he was ordained as a deacon in May 1985, marking the initiation of his formal role within the ecclesiastical hierarchy. The inception of his priestly endeavours took root in December 1988 when Bishop . (Wally) Williamson bestowed upon him the sacred mantle of the priesthood, christening him with the honorific title of Michel of Notre Dame. The epochal year of 2010 witnessed a transformative milestone in Eric's spiritual evolution as he was anointed as a Bishop, the Most Revd. . (Wally) Williamson of Albany N.Y. of the Johannite Tradition, a symbolic gesture that signified his lifelong allegiance to the divine principles embodied by Christ, encapsulated in his chosen motto "Semper Christo Fidelis" - an eternal pledge of faithfulness to the teachings of the Lord.

The kaleidoscope of Eric's spiritual journey unfolded with myriad hues and shades of theological exploration and ministerial prowess. A pivotal juncture emerged during the auspicious General Assembly elections in January 2011, wherein he was democratically elected as Archbishop (Bishop President), a position of venerable

authority and sacred duty that he dutifully assumed and was ceremoniously vested with on the hallowed day of May 6, 2011. His pastoral responsibilities expanded further in 2012, as he was honoured with the esteemed Co-Ordainment as a Unitarian

Minister at the Open Door - Open Faith Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Thus, the seeds of Eric Michel Ministry and Chaplaincy were sown, heralding a new chapter of religious outreach and pastoral care that would resonate across denominational boundaries and geographical divides.

The veritable tapestry of Eric's ministerial engagements was interwoven with threads of profound spiritual communion and universal fraternity, epitomizing his steadfast dedication to the spiritual upliftment and enlightenment of all beings entrusted under his benevolent care. The advent of July 2014 witnessed the formal establishment of Eric Michel Ministries International, a momentous occasion that underscored his spiritual enterprise's global reach and holistic mission. The universal love and inclusivity

ethos permeated every aspect of his ministry, transcending doctrinal confines and embracing the eternal essence of Divine grace that transcends all mortal constraints.

The continual odyssey of Eric's spiritual odyssey was marked by a series of transformative encounters and evolving faith traditions that enriched his spiritual repertoire and broadened his theological horizons. The momentous year of 2020 heralded a profound transition in Eric's spiritual allegiance as he embraced Catholicism, embarking on a sacred pilgrimage unto the Third Order of Saint

Francis with the revered Order of Lesser Sisters and Brothers. This divine communion with the Franciscan legacy symbolized a deep-seated resonance with the ascetic ideals and profound spiritual ethos espoused by Saint Francis of Assisi, engendering a spiritual kinship that transcended temporal boundaries and ecclesiastical


The vicissitudes of spiritual life often unfurl unforeseen paths and divergent trajectories that challenge one's steadfast devotion and unwavering resolve. In a poignant turn of events, the difficulties of fate necessitated Eric to curtail his association with the Third

Order of Saint Francis due to the unforeseen hospitalization of Rev. Marie, rendering his spiritual journey into uncharted waters fraught with uncertainty and soul-searching contemplation. Amidst the tumultuous seas of existential turmoil and spiritual tribulation, Eric's faith remained resolute, guided by the divine providence that

illuminated his path with the faint glimmer of hope and relentless determination to endure the trials and tribulations that beset his sacred calling.

The labyrinthine maze of spiritual exploration and ecclesiastical engagements led Eric into the hallowed folds of the Franciscan tradition, where he discovered a sanctuary of solace and spiritual rejuvenation amidst the tumultuous tides of life's enigmatic journey. The sanctified realms of the Sanctification of the Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi beckoned him into a realm of profound communal service and universal brotherhood, aligning his spiritual essence with the noble mission of the Order of

Franciscans Ecumenical, Inc. This advantageous alliance with the Franciscan legacy imbued his journey with a newfound sense of purpose and spiritual fulfillment, catalyzing a transformative evolution of his ministerial vocation that transcended ecclesiastical boundaries and theological dogmas, embracing the universal essence of Divine love and compassionate service for all sentient beings.

The zenith of his Franciscan sojourn reached its apotheosis on April 6, 2022, when Eric Michel Ministries International was officially enshrined as a Chart member of the esteemed Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist. This prestigious accolade underscored the profound resonance of his ministry with the sacred heritage of the

Eucharistic tradition. This prestigious affiliation signified a sacred covenant of spiritual collaboration and ecclesiastical solidarity, uniting his ministerial vision with the timeless legacy of the Eucharistic sacrament that embodied the essence of Christ's eternal

sacrifice and redemptive grace.

The labyrinthine tapestry of Eric's spiritual journey was further enriched by his esteemed tenure as a revered member of the Franciscan Federation from 2022 to 2023, wherein he contributed his erudite insights and spiritual wisdom towards the collective edification and communal nurturing of the Franciscan ethos. This symbiotic engagement within the noble fraternity of the Franciscan Federation exemplified his unwavering commitment to the tenets of Franciscan spirituality and iconic tradition, fostering a harmonious convergence of diverse theological perspectives and collective fraternity that transcended the boundaries of denominational constraints and theological schisms.

The sacred covenant of his soul with the Divine manifested in a transcendent consecration as Knights of the Immaculate (MI) in 2023. This prestigious accolade denoted his profound devotion and unwavering allegiance to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the divine aegis of the Herald of the Gospels. This venerable title conferred

upon him with solemn reverence and sacred reverence, epitomized his profound Marian devotion and spiritual consecration, underscoring his resolute commitment to the immaculate essence of the Divine Mother and the celestial sovereignty that graced his

sacred ministry with ineffable grace and divine benediction.

In the realms of spiritual exploration and metaphysical inquiry, Eric delved deeper into the mysteries of angelology and demonology, attaining the coveted certification in these profound disciplines from 2023 and 2024. This erudite exploration of celestial hierarchies and infernal realms broadened his theological horizons. It illuminated the mystical depths of spiritual cosmology, empowering him with profound insights into the celestial realms and diabolical dominions that shape the ethereal fabric of the spiritual tapestry.

The labyrinthine odyssey of Eric's spiritual evolution was enshrined within the annals of sacred history as a testament to unwavering faith, profound spiritual devotion, and transformative service that transcended the boundaries of mortal constraints and temporal limitations. His journey through the hallowed corridors of ecclesiastical tradition and spiritual enlightenment resonated with a symphony of celestial harmonies and divine grace, illuminating the path of spiritual seekers and wanderers with the sacred light of transcendent wisdom and compassionate service. The legacy of

Archbishop Eric M. Gagnon reverberates across the ethereal realms of divine providence and celestial communion, embodying the timeless essence of faith, love, and universal fraternity that transcend the temporary boundaries of mortal existence and christen the soul with the eternal grace of Divine benediction 

Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa

Anishinaabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.

A place of prayer on Algonquin territory since 1832

The Anglican Cathedral in the Nation’s Capital

Cathedral of the Canadian Forces Anglican Military Ordinariate